CROFT is open to individuals and families that are interested in learning about Celtic history and the Celtic lifestyle. Members are sponsored and supported in their individual interests whether it be learning a craft or trade, or learning something in the artistic world of the Celts.
Bylaws (PDF)
Membership Form (Editable-PDF)
– Download the blank form and save it to your files
– Then open the saved file in its editable form, fill out, and save
Ideals of the Organization
Meeting others with an interest in socializing and discussing the ideals, trade crafts and lifestyles of the Celtic peoples from 400 BC until 1746 AD, with a strong interest in the Medieval and Renaissance time periods.
Creating an atmosphere of heritage, culture, history and family.
Belonging to an organization where members can learn, research, and recreate lost crafts.
Because we maintain the Celtic belief in the strength of our family, we discourage the use of rude or vulgar language, degrading or disparaging comments, any use of illegal drugs and use of alcohol at demonstrations.
We assist new members in assembling appropriate costume and developing a period character, as well as getting started in your craft or trade of interest. Members enjoy many benefits including participation in re-enactment activities, Renaissance Fairs, seasonal feasts and parties, character development and costume classes, and festival showcases.
To participate in CROFT events, you will need at least the basic costume. While our group covers the period from 400 BC to 1745 AD, the Group’s research suggests that 15th Century middle/merchant class Irish and Scottish costume is the most appropriate for events we attend; is fairly well documented; and is reasonably convenient and easiest to replicate.
For more details see Costume Basics (PDF file)
In Memoriam
These members are near and dear to us and forever in our hearts.